CFER approach is based on the Prework training program, written by the Ministère de l'Éducation du Québec. In addition to the goals fixed in that program, CFERs use their own pedagogical tools and have a flexible work structure that allows our students to succeed.
Our tools
Current events
Every day, CFER students learn about current events, which will serve as a basis for teaching.
To be an engaged citizen, the CFER student must understand the world surrounding him/her.
Citizen involvement
Throughout their CFER course, students will have to get involved in social or environmental projects. They will participate in "The Grande collecte CFER" a Spring cleanup project.
To be an engaged citizen, the CFER student has to get involved in his/her community.
Survival kit of graduates
Tout au long de leur parcours CFER, les élèves se prépareront à l’insertion socio-professionnelle (CV, formations, bottin des ressources, budget, vie courante…) Le kit de survie est un espace virtuel personnalisé : l’aboutissement de la pédagogie CFER.
To be an autonomous person, the CFER student must build his adult life toolbox.
CFER students are committed to promoting sustainable development by presenting the Caravans in various environments. These awareness-raising activities make it possible to engage in a civic approach, in addition to having a significant impact on self-esteem.
As an engaged citizen, the CFER student have an impact on today's issues.
By developing their employability at school, CFER students enter the labor market better prepeared.
To be a productive worker, the CFER student enlarges his/her field of experience and expertise.
The global task
CFER teachers work as a global task. The global task is possible when a group of teachers jointly takes responsibility for the whole program of a group of students.
- Each member of the team represents an equal and equivalent part of a whole, the CFER. Everyone must therefore be able to express themselves freely.
- The absence of individualized schedules allows teachers to control, as much as possible, the variations of their environment. (Composition of groups, distribution of tasks/projects, timeline and opportunities, etc.).
- Teachers work as a team to provide better service to the students.
For more details on the global taskclick below:
The CFER Olympiads
Chaque année, le Réseau CFER organise les Olympiades CFER. Pendant 3 jours, 8 élèves de chacun des 22 CFER s’affrontent dans une compétition haute en couleur où 4 épreuves sont à l’honneur:
Génies en herbe
Habiletés manuelles
Expression orale présentée par Hydro-Québec
Activité sportive présentée par Cascades
Qui sera le CFER qui repartira avec la coupe lors de la prochaine édition … ?
Les Olympiades CFER 2024 ont été rendues possibles grâce aux partenariats d’affaires avec nos clients et grâce à l’appui d’organisations qui soutiennent la réussite éducative et le dépassement de nos élèves.