CFER Businesses

Thanks to the support of the CFER Network, schools that choose to offer the CFER program integrate into their building facilities whose mission is to train and prepare students for the job market. Students develop their employability by working mainly in sectors related to sustainable development.

Electronic waste dismantling

CFERs working in this sector sort electronic equipment such as televisions, computers, printers and cell phones. Some equipment with potential for reuse is directed to an R2-certified downstream recycler. Obsolete equipment is manually dismantled, sorted and stored for shipment to a downstream recycler. 

Each year, around

800 tons

of electronic waste transit in a CFER facility.

Student Roles and Responsibilities

  • Receiving
  • Inventory
  • Appliance
  • Following ISO-certified procedures
  • Operating a bailer
  • Driving forklifts
  • Inventory and maintenance of hand-held electric tools
  • Using a commercial scale
  • Sorting of dismantled parts
  • Truck loading and shipping

CFERs involved



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Les CFER œuvrant dans ce secteur font le tri d’appareils à piles imbriquées dans les catégories suivantes: Jouets, drones, petits appareils d’éclairage, détecteurs de fumée, appareils de soins personnels, cigarettes électroniques, outils de jardin ou de rénovation, petits moyens de locomotion individuels, bicyclettes assistées et véhicules d’aide à la mobilité.  Les appareils sont démontés manuellement dans l’objectif d’en extraire la pile ainsi que les composantes pouvant être recyclées et valorisées. Les piles sont expédiées vers Appel à Recycler et les composantes valorisables vers un recycleur en aval.

Par leur travail, les CFER détournent de

pressure on landfills

les piles contenues dans ces appareils.       

Student Roles and Responsibilities

  • Receiving
  • Inventory
  • Appliance
  • Using a commercial scale
  • Opération de transpalette
  • Inventory and maintenance of hand-held electric tools

  • Sorting of dismantled parts
  • Truck loading and shipping

CFERs involved


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Wood recycling

The CFERs working in this sector sort and manually dismantle different pieces of wood such as structural wood residues, pallets and boards of various sizes. The sorted and dismantled material is then transformed into various products for resale such as: recycled pallets, supports of different sizes for auto parts collectors, bags of kindling, garden boxes, etc.

Wood transiting in CFERs reduces

pressure on landfills

and gets a second life.

Student Roles and Responsibilities

  • Receiving
  • Appliance dismantling
  • Denailing
  • Pallets refurbishment
  • Driving forklifts
  • Shipping
  • Inventory
  • Sorting of dismantled parts
  • Sawing
  • Usage of industrial equipment
  • Quality control
  • Inventory and maintenance of hand-held electric tools

CFERs involved


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Industrial waste recycling

The CFERs working in this sector sort and manually dismantle various industrial waste for companies, in order to allow them to dispose of their residue responsibly, while reducing their landfill costs. Repair and reuse is priority, when possible. The residues currently treated in the CFERs are: wiring, metals, various casings, tools and electrical components.

Each year, around

1200 tonnes

of industrial waste transit in CFERs to be recycled by the effort of students.

Student Roles and Responsibilities

  • Receiving
  • Manual sorting
  • Metals identification
  • Operating a bailer
  • Shipping
  • Inventory
  • Sorting of dismantled parts
  • Using a commercial scale
  • Driving forklifts
  • Inventory and maintenance of hand-held electric tools

CFERs involved


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Textile recycling

Les CFER œuvrant dans ce secteur font le tri, la dépersonnalisation et la réparation des uniformes de travail en fin de vie. Cela leur permet d’en disposer de façon responsable et sécurisée, tout en diminuant leurs coûts d’enfouissement. Les vêtements sont inventoriés, lavés, dépersonnalisés (retrait manuel de toute identification), réparés et destinés à la revente ou revalorisés en d’autres produits (voir catalogue). Possibilité de sous-traitance et ou autres contrats.

Click here (in French) to find out more about our depersonalization services.

Since 2019, more than

75 000 pieces of uniform

transited in a CFER to get a second life.

Catalogue de produits revalorisés

Student Roles and Responsibilities

  • Receiving
  • Removal of logos (depersonalization)
  • Operating industrial washer+dryer
  • Clothes repairs
  • Ironing
  • Sales preparation
  • Using a cash registrer
  • Inventory
  • Destruction of logos
  • Maximising resources
  • Operating sewing machines
  • Operating an embroiderer
  • Store management

CFERs involved


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Confidential documents shredding

The CFERs working in this sector collect, sort, shred and bundle confidential documents from various companies. CFERs take care of important documents responsibly and securely.

Being green and offering a secured service,

it's CFER possible!

Student Roles and Responsibilities

  • Collecting documents
  • Inventory
  • Sorting
  • Operating paper shredders
  • Operating a bailor
  • Customer service

CFERs involved


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Other niches

Other business niches have been developed to enhance the students' training.

Bicycles Refurbishment

Commercial kitchen



School furniture refurbishment

Chocolate factory

Maple syrup rubing recycling

Sewing workshop

Printing workshop

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